This time of year is rough for me. After all of the build up around the holidays, the good cheer, the warm fuzzies, it’s hard for me to say goodbye to the holiday season.
January is just so … depressing compared to December. The sparkly holiday decorations are back in the closets, the holiday vacation is over, and all that’s left is three more months of winter. Yuck.
But it’s particularly rough for me this year. I’m at the point in our planning for the move and Europe where it’s too far and not far enough. I’m so excited, and I’m counting down the days of course. But I also feel overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done. I’m excited about the new year, but I’m a little deflated as I get back to the real world. If you’re feeling the same way, here are some tips for staying positive.
Stay committed to your resolutions.
We’re all so motivated to set new goals and start over on New Year’s Day, but once we get back to the real world, that motivation quickly dissolves. But there’s a reason New Year’s Day is exciting and January 4 is depressing. Try to hang on to that feeling of new beginnings. Stay committed to your New Year’s resolution. View every day as a new opportunity to continue reaching your goals.
Revel in relaxation.
As exciting as holiday planning is, it’s also stressful. Instead of feeling sad to see it go, focus on how nice it will be to take a break. Spend a Saturday working on the projects that took a backseat during the holiday season (or starting a new project), and then spend a Sunday doing nothing. You deserve it.
Give yourself something to look forward to.
From the day after Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve, December is a month of counting down. That’s part of why December is so fun — countdowns are exciting. Hang on to a little of that magic by planning something fun in February or March.
Travel prices are rock bottom, so it’s the perfect time to take a short weekend trip somewhere close by. Last year, we went to Washington D.C. Find somewhere an hour or two away with lots of free entertainment and spring for a night or two in a hotel. A short little getaway will give you something to count down to during the bleak winter months.
How do you beat the holiday hangover?