Every New Year, I’ve thought long and hard about how to improve myself, and I come up with resolutions that will make me a better person. I tell myself, “You didn’t work out enough this year,” or “You need to lose weight,” or “You need to do this and that to be better.” But you know what? This type of thinking doesn’t motivate me. It just leaves me feeling like I’ve failed in the past, and sets me up for failure and more negative thinking in the future.
This year, I’m spending the New Year looking ahead with excitement and reminding myself of my accomplishments. Instead of dwelling on what I could do better in the coming year, I’m reveling in the joy of all the great things I accomplished in 2009 and the rewards that will follow in 2010.
My New Year’s resolutions are positive reinforcements of my strengths instead of reminders of how I’ve failed. I’m training to run a half marathon to remind myself that I’m capable of anything I set my mind to, and I’m making a promise to myself to focus on my strengths instead of my weaknesses this year.
I want the coming year to be one of happiness and positivity. Here are some other reasons that I’m proud of us, and why I’m so excited for 2010.
- We’re starting the year credit card debt free, and our emergency fund is complete.
- We’re finally moving back home to the Midwest.
- We’re going on our dream vacation to Europe in May.
- I’m writing a book! (That’s all I can say about that, but I’ll have more details to come, I promise!)
- My best friend and sister-in-law are both getting married in October.
- I’m training to run a half marathon in November.
What’s your New Year’s resolution? Are you focusing on your strengths or dwelling on your weaknesses?
Happy New Year! Congratulations on your accomplishments and best wishes for all of your new endeavors!
Sometimes we forget about the “Happy” part of “Happy New Year” and this year many of us are refocusing our efforts in this direction. Today I wrote about CEO Kevin Roberts approach to prioritizing happiness which you may be curious to read.
.-= Anne´s last blog ..2010: A Ruly New Year =-.
Your blog posts were a positive addition to my 2009. Thanks and enjoy your 2010.
.-= Cathy´s last blog ..Life Is Good =-.
Congratulations on starting the year debt free and with a complete emergency fund! I’m hoping to reach the same goal by this time next year. I love that your New Year thoughts are positive and not beating yourself up about what you haven’t done yet.
Hooray for a trip to Europe and getting married this year, too. Sounds like things are lining right up for you! That’s awesome!