TGIF Round Up: Summer concerts edition

I’m so excited it’s finally the weekend! We’re spending the weekend seeing some live music. Tonight a Michael Jackson cover band is playing for free in our city, so we’re heading downtown to watch. This same band used to play in my college town, and it was always a great time.

Tomorrow we’re driving about an hour to see a Wallflowers concert. I bought the tickets two months ago for $15 each, so we’ve already paid for them, and they won’t affect our summer budget. The challenge will be avoiding spending extra money. I’m sure we’ll be tempted by overpriced food and drinks at the show, so we’ll have to be on our best behavior to ensure that this fun event doesn’t mess up our budget for the month. Wish us luck!

Here are some good reads from around the frugal blogosphere:

And from the Pecuniary Associates:

That’s all from me for the week! Enjoy the weekend!