After a whirlwind four-day trip to New York, I’m finally home. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot, but I’m absolutely exhausted.
Traveling with an expense account is odd. I have to admit, it’s kind of thrown me off. For four days, my boss covered the tab for everyone at fancy restaurants. It was fun, but that kind of luxury can temporarily alter the mindset. I’m trying to get back on track now.
I’m resting up today, but I have some exciting news to share first! I’ve joined the Pecuniary Associates blog network! It’s a little late because of my trip, but I’m excited to share my first blog round up featuring the other members.
Here we go:
- Penelope at Pecuniarities warns you to beware the hidden and indirect costs of “free” things. I try not to go too far out of my way to obtain “free” items, otherwise it stops being worth my time and sometimes even money.
- Trevor at Financial Nut shares some thoughts on valuing a business. He’s looking for some advice on buying/selling a business from those of you with experience. Can you help him?
- Megan at Counting my Pennies asks “Has the economy changed your spending habits?” Hopefully it’s made you think a little more before making unnecessary purchases.
- Lisa at Greener Pastures shares five consumer trends in the recession economy. It’s interested to see how spending trends highlight people’s priorities during a downturn.
- Scott at The Passive Dad says sometimes the best way to make a tough decision is to talk it through with a frugal friend. Even if your friend isn’t so frugal, talking it through will give you the opportunity to put everything into perspective and make the right decisions.
I can’t wait to share more of their great ideas with you through the network!
Hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend. I’ll be back Monday with regularly scheduled blogging.
Thanks for the great intro to the network! Penelope is doing a great job pulling us all together, and I’m very excited about our new team, too!
Greener Pastures’s last blog post..Is the Time Ripe for the Next Generation of Outliers?