I live less than 10 miles from the deadly tornadoes that hit Indiana today. So far there have been eight confirmed deaths in Indiana, but that number could possibly increase as they search through leveled homes tonight and tomorrow.
It was a scary afternoon. We don’t have a basement, but thankfully we were able to wait out the storms in the basement at a friend’s house, and we are safe and sound tonight. We escaped the storms without any injuries or damage to our home. But we have neighbors not far away who have lost everything — some of them even their lives.
Please consider giving what you can to the Red Cross or another disaster relief organization to help those in Indiana, Alabama, and other states who faced deadly tornadoes today as they rebuild their lives. If you can’t afford to give money, consider donating items that may help families who are recovering from natural disasters, giving blood to help the injured, or giving your time to an area near you that may be in need.
My family was very lucky today. My thoughts and prayers are with other families who weren’t so lucky.