I just realized it’s been two weeks today since we brought Judah home from the hospital. Really? It’s only been two weeks? It feels like a lifetime.
It’s amazing how difficult it’s been for me to do anything but care for Judah in those two weeks. Considering the fact that the boy can’t even roll over at this point, I’m shocked at how time consuming he’s been.
For the past two weeks, I’ve spent the majority of my time just holding him. I couldn’t get away with putting him down for longer than 15 minutes without a complete meltdown. Sometimes he’ll accept Tony as a substitute long enough for me to take a shower. Tony has become pretty good at juggling a sleeping baby with grading papers or getting his own reading done.
We’ve settled into sort of a routine now, and Judah is letting me get away with putting him down for a little longer each day. I’m finally starting to get to other tasks around the house. Yesterday I was able to finish several loads of laundry and vacuum the apartment. Today I finished the huge stack of dishes that overflowed from the sink and consumed an entire counter in my kitchen. They were small tasks, but they felt like major victories.
We’re both adjusting. I’m getting used to life with a newborn; he’s getting used to life.
I can’t complain, though. He continues to be a remarkably easy baby. He wakes me up every couple hours to eat, but he goes back to sleep immediately. I feel criminally well rested considering the fact that I have a newborn. And of course it doesn’t hurt that he’s so stinking lovable.
Last Friday we got out of the house to run a long list of errands, and you wouldn’t even have known there was a baby in the car seat I carted around from store to store. He was quiet as a mouse.
Physically I feel better than I have since March. I’m finally free from the constant nausea, heartburn, and pain that became a daily reality for me throughout pregnancy. Emotionally I’m struggling a little. Caring for a newborn can feel so isolating and demanding, and the post partum hormonal roller coaster certainly doesn’t help matters. We’re getting through it, though.
Tony has been wonderful. He’s up with us for most feedings, and he’s continued to pick up my slack with household chores despite the fact that his work schedule has been unreal as he gets closer to the end of the semester. At the end of this week, he’ll finally get some time off for winter break (three whole weeks!) It can’t come soon enough.
This morning we finally started transitioning to cloth diapers. For the next couple weeks we’ll continue using disposables at night partly because I’d like to get used to cloth during the day before trying to deal with them at night and partly because we’re still going through the case of disposables we received at the shower. I’ll be updating with a full report once we’ve had a chance to get used to them, but so far so good.
That’s all I’ve got for now. Thanks for your patience as I take my own version of maternity leave. Regular posting will resume soon, I promise.
Take your time dear. I think your doing a fantastic job!
Enjoy this time with your little man! It will be gone soon enough.
I know you’re pain with the emotions! I haven’t had any issues with Josiah, but I was a horrible wreck after the girls.
As for the cloth, we still haven’t switched… Josiah’s cord is still barely hanging on and last time I tried to put a cloth on him the cover- even with the dip for the cord, still came up and he acted like it bugged him so I haven’t put them back on yet.
You’re doing good! hang in there it does get easier!!
Boy can I ever relate to this post! I, too, am shocked how much time they take up, even though they just sleep, eat, and poop! My little guy doesn’t seem to stay asleep, though, and I am only granted a couple of two-hour naps through the day before he is up and at ’em at night too. I’ve stopped looking at the clock during the night because it’s just too depressing!
We made the switch to cloth diapers around the two week mark and I love them! I still use disposables at night because we have been struggling with a bit of diaper rash.
All the best!