Misty mountain hop

This weekend, Tony and I were in Asheville, NC. We took a walk downtown and spent Sunday hiking at Chimney Rock State Park. We finally got to see some of the fall color we’ve been missing, it was breathtaking and absolutely everything we hoped it would be, and I took a ton of pictures.

It’s late, and I’m exhausted, so just click through the photo for more photos, k? :)


5 thoughts on “Misty mountain hop

  1. brittany

    Whoa. i didn’t realize you had such a cool real website. I thought you were just a Tumblr’er! Yay, I will link to you. Um, also, your trip looks awesome! I love that area. It’s near the Biltmore estate, right? I went there once w/ my parents.. thought it would be lame but I actually really liked it! xoxo
    .-= brittany´s last blog ..The continuing saga of weird Chinese incidents =-.

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