Don’t waste your money on individual snack-sized treats

Every afternoon around 4 pm, I start craving something sweet. There are always treats hanging around my office, but none that I want to eat since I’ve been trying to lose weight.

At the grocery store over the weekend, I decided it might be nice to bring sugar-free Jello snack packs. They’re sweet, and at only 10 calories they wouldn’t add on to my calorie count for the day. When I saw the price on the snack packs, though, I couldn’t bring myself to pick them up. Almost $4 for six little half-cup snack packs? Ridiculous considering the cost of a package of Jello.

So I decided to make my own snack packs. I have little half-cup Tupperware that we use for condiments and snacks. I bought a package of sugar-free Jello for 89 cents, poured it into the individual serving-size cups, and voila! Snack packs for 1/4 the cost!

If you pack your own lunch for work or your kids’ school lunches, then you’re all too familiar with the high cost of individual serving sizes. Instead, invest in some good snack-sized Tupperware (or reuse plastic baggies) and make your own snack-sized treats.

Snacks like chips, crackers, Jello, and pudding are cheaper in bulk. Split them up into individual serving sizes for convenient lunch snacks or just to control your portions. You’ll eat less and spend a lot less on snacks, and that works for me.

9 thoughts on “Don’t waste your money on individual snack-sized treats

  1. ~*Michelle*~

    I do this all time….I buy a 99 cent bag of pretzels and I get about 12 tiny bags/containers out of it.

    I also make a vat of trail mix and do the same……for a fraction of the price at stores. :)


    ~*Michelle*~’s last blog post..The Tale of Three Trees

  2. Colleen - Mommy Always Wins

    You know, that’s such an easy thing to do – so smart! I should make some and put it in those little cups just so the kids have something easy to grab on a low shelf in the fridge. (I can’t see spending $4 for those darned things, either!)

    GREAT “works”!

    Colleen – Mommy Always Wins’s last blog post..Joining the "in" crowd

  3. mom2fur

    I do this, too! I have a tip for you. Put the cups in a muffin tin, and then you can carry them all at once to the fridge to ‘set.’ It makes life easier, LOL!

    mom2fur’s last blog post..I like it!

  4. kelly

    depends where you shop, you can get three 6 packs of sugar free jello for 4 or 5 dollars at costco.

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